I'm going to start this post by saying I am the furthest from a fitness freak you could imagine. Just get that image into your head, right got it, now I have done Insanity THREE times, and I friggin love it!
If you have seen the sales adverts for this fitness program, or even done it yourself, you will know that its pretty hard core. I first started Insanity about three years ago, I was a little on the chunky side, but more then that I was unfit, eating all the bad stuff and generally unhappy with myself.
It was actually my husband who suggested that we give it a go, he was a lot fitter then I was, so I decided straight away that I would not do the actually excercises with him, or in front of him, no one needs to see that hot mess!
The program starts off with a fit test, which I barely made it through alive, but I gave it all I had! The first week was awful, I used muscles I never thought I had, I was barely completing any of the exercises and I was tired...but then the second week started and I found I could do things a bit more, I was starting to feel strong and had bags of energy!
I decided to weigh myself on fit test days only, I can't remember how much I lost each time, but over the 60 days I lost 1 and a half stone! More then that I felt I could do anything!
I have since done it again, although not as strictly on the food, when I felt I needed a pick me up, or when I was going on holiday.
My husband has been doing his third round since January and looks fantastic!
As I had a baby, did zilch exercise during my pregnancy due to the pesky c-section, I decided not to jump straight into Insanity, but tried the T-25 program, its really good, although I don't feel as I have had as much of work out as I did with Insanity.
I agree that this is not something for everyone, and I recommend getting checked out by the doctor first (I did as I have asthma so I ran it past my nurse first), you have to be dedicated, but at the end of the day, its 60 DAYS! It will really change your life for the better!
By the end of it you will love Shaun T!
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